Monday, January 22, 2007

Birthday Snow and some other notable events today

There was magical birthday snow on my birthday today. Here is a shot of the snow covered rocks and tiny waterfall on Shell Pot Creek behind my house.


Today is also the birthday of Rasputin. His claim to fame is that he is unkillable, heals hemophiliacs (maybe), and brought down an entire empire with his antics.

Roe v. Wade

Today is unfortunately associated with extreme controversy in the United Sates because it is the 34th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision which legalized abortion in the United States. I would like to not have my birthday associated with this divisive topic. I feel especially bad for the 34 year olds today.

Most Depressing Day

Today is also the most depressing day of the year according to Dr. Cliff Arnell of Cardiff University. His equation:

[W + (D-d)] x TQ M x NA

combines the weather, debt (from Christmas shopping), time since Christmas, time since failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and feeling of a need to take action to calculate the most depressing day. It seems to fall on this third or fourth Monday in January. The happiest day is June 22nd - damn summercists. I sent those folks at NPR a stern e-mail.

It's crap mathematics, but I fell compelled to report it. I do feel sorry for all you poor saps who have to go through this day without it being your birthday!


Anonymous said...

Hey Bro,

I know you like to keep the blog as "confidential" as possible...but, what's my name, "Skip"? I am here to announce that it's MY birthday too and I'm not depressed at all, I took the day off from work!

Love the older sister ( 51 minutes!)

Anonymous said...

P.S. to my previous post...I read your blogs chronologically backwards.

Thanks for using my quote in your "Birthday Cake Cliche and DDR" blog entry. I am now immortalized forever!

Love, The Twin!

Kate said...

Happy birthday to you. So, you share your birthday with Rasputin? Interesting. Famous or infamous, its cool to share one's birthday with a well known figure.
Have a great year ahead.
Drop into my blog for some unique birthday gift and party ideas.