Friday, September 05, 2008

Simspons quiz - Do you know your Milhouse?

Mental Floss has a quiz on the character Milhouse from the Simpsons, an unappreciated character to whom I am sometimes compared, to my detriment. If you know your Simpsons or your Milhouse go ahead and take it. It has some funny Simpsons lines in it , plus pictures. I got 92% (11 out of 12) by some miracle, the average is 60%. Perhaps my encyclopedic but useless knowledge of the Simpsons helped.

(via Neatorama)


Paul Smith Jr. said...

75% percent. I think I did better on the questions about episodes I haven't seen, though.

Paul Smith Jr. said...

Forgot to add my favorite Milhous quotes:

"Everything's coming up Milhous!"


"My mom says I'm cool!"