Sunday, June 29, 2008

Great Egret on the Shellpot Creek

This morning I spotted a Great Egret, Ardea alba (which I have always called a White Heron) dining on the fish in the creek right behind my house.

I was lucky enough to grab the camera and get some long distance shits from the second story windows, moving from room to room as it moved up the creek. Although they are still from too far away these are my best pictures ever of the white heron that I have gotten (better than these). Here are the closeups using the camera zoom and cropped to show the heron.

There is a Great White Heron species in Florida that is merely a white morph of the Great Blue Heron. The bird above is not a Great White Heron because it doesn't have yellow legs it has black legs like the Great Egret (White Heron). We have seen Blue Herons on the creek earlier this year.

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