In which the author ponders the question, "If you admit that you are a hypocrite, are you really a hypocrite?" He then provides his honest commentary on a number of fascinating topics. He insists, however, that his readers form their own opinions.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
How hungry would you get?
Perhaps the cold weather and chance of being trapped in a mountain pass (in Delaware!) has colored my answers.
Donner party of two, your table is ready. Donner party?
(via The Presurfer)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Firewood piles are building and the fireplace is going
So Osage Orange (brown bar below) stands out in a graph of the species BTUs/cord. (click on the plot for a bigger picture)
How would superheroes do in real life?
I ordered all of them, but surprisingly the older out of print ones came faster (almost overnight) than the still in print ones from Amazon. I am up to Volume 10, and waiting for Volume 11. I wholeheartedly recommend them. They have adult themes and some adult art so they are not for kids. Here is the list thus far:
- Powers Vol 1: Who Killed Retro Girl? by Brian Michael Bendis
- Powers Vol. 2: Roleplay by Brian Michael Bendis
- Powers Vol 3: Little Deaths by Brian Michael Bendis
- Powers Vol. 4: Supergroup by Brian Michael Bendis
- Powers Vol. 5: Anarchy by Brian Michael Bendis
- Powers Vol. 6: Sellouts by Brian Michael Bendis
- Powers Vol. 7: Forever by Brian Michael Bendis
- Powers Vol. 8: Legends by Brian Michael Bendis
- Powers Vol. 9: Psychotic by Brian Michael Bendis
- Powers Vol. 10: Cosmic by Brian Michael Bendis
The story does a good job of exploring really what might happen if people with "Powers" existed and how they might not be as welcome as they are in the traditional comic book hero stories. The stories also center around how some of these people with powers would still have the same needs and wants as regular people, still have the same loves and hates, still be subject to the same pressures, hurts and insanities, but be able to act on these impulses in a much more powerful way than a regular person. No wonder the police are overwhelmed and "powers" are outlawed in the stories.
As to what the best moral or ethical approach to "powers" would be I suppose the adage "to whom much is given much is expected" is as appropriate as any. One could apply "Do unto others as you would have done unto you" as well. See the X-Men movies for two diametrically opposed approaches to the problem, training by Doctor Xavier, war by Magneto. The cartoon series of the "Justice League" has a government developing their own superheroes as a balance against the ones that they can't control.
Poignant xkcd comic "to Be Wanted" begs to be made into animated gif
Computer minded boy longs for sailing adventurer girl who longs for computer minded boy who longs for sailing adventurer girl who longs for computer minded boy who longs for sailing adventurer girl...
(small animated gif is here, larger one with gickr logo as above is here)
(comic from xkcd, animated gif from gickr)
Friday, January 18, 2008
Swollen Shellpot Creek with melted snow
Anyway, it looked prettier last night, but photography at night is not my forte.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Always the Superbowl bridesmaid never the bride
This year it's Phoenix. In year's past I have been in Ft. Lauderdale or Miami before the big event. . Several times. One year I missed it in San Diego. If it ever came to Philadelphia (ha, ha) I would have to leave on a business trip or something.
Meanwhile for the runup to the big game, if Green Bay plays New England I will be good for my fantasy football playoff pool (more math and an exlanation of my picks in a later post). If a miracle happens and San Diego beats New England to get in I would be great. We shall see. I guessed that San Diego might have a chance against Indianapolis, but I am not sure lightning can strike twice.
GRUUMPY license plate in Arizona
Saguaro cactus spines up close
I need to return to wetter climates and softer plants.
Saguaro cactus in Phoenix
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Items from the Presidio excavation
Excavation to the original foundation the Presidio in Tubac
Original printing press of the firts newspaper in Arizona
This display is at the Presidio in Tubac.
Presidio of Tubac AZ
Now a tourist "destination" mostly filled with artists shops and the oldest state park in Arizona.
Flowering Cactus in Tubac Arizona
A cactus south of Tuscon Arizona
Glue mouse traps Katamari Damacy and the Farmer in the Dell
The next morning we got one. Herein lies the quandary of what to do with it. I realized that when we bought the glue traps we had set down a certain path of elimination, you can't peal the mouse off and send him on his way. I had visions of setting a sticky mouse outside where he then collects a cat that wants to eat him and gets stuck. Then a dog, then the farmer's wife and the farmer in a Katamari Damacy sticky ball review of the characters in the Farmer in the Dell. Perhaps instead of the cheese the gluetrap stands alone.
We (not me) bagged him up and threw him in the trash. I think there was only one. Now the Franciscans and the humanitarians out there can tell me what the alternatives are to our glue traps. Leave your suggestion in the comments.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Thunderstorms in January and a mildly swollen Shellpot Creek
Monday, January 07, 2008
Are you a Nerd? Of course you are, you're reading this.
My results may not be typical, use with caution.
(via Marc A. Murison)
Celebrating Epiphany at Epiphany on Epiphany
The stained glass window in the background is a cool picture of the nativity with the three wise men arriving to do homage. I took a much better picture last year.
This holiday is the occasion to sing "We Three Kings". Bonus if you can name the kings without reference to this blog, google, wikipedia or friends. Put your answers in the comments.