Stay tuned for more as I crack open more boxes and explore the archives.
(doodles from ~1986)
In which the author ponders the question, "If you admit that you are a hypocrite, are you really a hypocrite?" He then provides his honest commentary on a number of fascinating topics. He insists, however, that his readers form their own opinions.
What American accent do you have? (Best version so far) Mid Atlantic Also known as a "Philadelphia accent" but also heard in south Jersey, Baltimore, and thereabouts. |
Click Here to Take This Quiz Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. |
We thought that it would be difficult to buy this, pack it up and take it home on the plane in the current security environment. I don't even know if Geiger counters contain radioactive materials themselves as a control or to make them work. I see some Googling or Wikipedia research for some future fun.
These four copies will never be read, but at least some kind citizen had finally removed them (but not the leaves) by Monday morning.
Even worse we haven't gotten our own copy on Stoney Creek Lane in many weeks. I see so many of these free papers wet and abondoned in driveways and roadways, this was the most amusing and egregious example.
"Cities in the experiment ranged from 17,000 to 600,000 in population, but Field declined to identify them, saying it could harm her relationship with sewage plant operators."She also seemed hesitant to list the cities in particular they studied. I was impressed with her stand on privacy concerns when it was suggested that the technique could be used further upstream by law enforcement officials to catch people using illegal drugs. From the OSU press release:
“Waste water analysis is a more powerful indicator at the community level,” Field said. “We are interested in the 'community load' of drugs, so we want to take samples as close to the urinal as possible without violating the privacy of individuals.”The team also looked at caffeine, which she described as a human urinary biomarker, perhaps it could serve as a control compound to normalize the other concentrations.
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