Follow this process to generate your new band's name, debut album and album cover art:
1. Click to get a random wikipedia article. The name of the article is the name of your band.
2. Get a random quotation. The last four words of the last quote is the name of your debut album. Reload the page to get more random quotes.
3. Explore the last seven days at Flickr to get some album art. The third picture is your new album cover art.
My new band, Unexpected Company, will be performing "All Your Fine Trappings" on our first album. Here is the art.
I think the process worked rather well for me. What's the debut album for your new band?
(via Prefsurfer, via This Could Only Happen to Me, via a DIYnot forum post, via a random e-mail forward)
I like it. My bank is "Carter Bar" with the song "all of these happenings".