Monday, October 13, 2008

If the East Coast Is American enough For Al-Qaeda, It should be American enough for ...

Jezebel excerpted the exact quote I wanted from Sarah Vowell's interview on the Jon Stewart show on Tuesday October 7th. Sarah complained that Palin and the Republicans pay lip service to New York's bravery in 9/11 and then call New Yorkers "elite" and unpatriotic behind their backs. Sarah said, "They wrap themselves in our attack and then they leave and talk about what snobs we are."

My favorite comment from Vowell was this one: "If the East Coast Is American enough For Al-Qaeda, It should be American enough for them." Them being the aforementioned Republicans.

I like Sarah Vowell's books and their quirky take on history. I even forced us to visit the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center in Fremont, Ohio because I was reading Assassination Vacation at the time. Her new book is The Wordy Shipmates.

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