Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Happy Pi day today 3.14

Today, March 14th is Pi day (for obvious reasons). Some fun things you should do today:

As I have done many times in the past, recite the CIT cheer (Carnegie Institue of Technology, now part of Carnegie Mellon University)

Ye Olde CIT Cheer

E to the X, dy dx, e to the y, dy,
tangent, secant, cosine, sine,
square root, cube root, log of e
watercooled slipstick, CIT!

Search for your phone number or other interesting string of digits in the first 200 million digits of Pi.

Eat Pi. (I mean pie). I prefer lemon merengue, although apple pie is very traditional.

I am not going to watch the movie because it is really creepy and involves drills to my delicate head.

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  1. Can you recite pi to 22,501 decimal places? Then you can beat this guy...


    Our pi celebration should not forget "big pi" representing the product of a series. Hooray for the forgotten big pi!

  2. Yo Bro,

    This was definitely one of my favorite topics you have covered thus far! Also, I actually remember you chanting your little CIT cheer way back when...and thinking, how is this kid my twin?

    Love ya!

  3. ...Oh, I forgot, Kenny & I saw "PI-The Movie" and creepy is an understatement.
