Friday, September 02, 2005

Glenn Miller Orchestra Yesterday and Today

Earlier this week we were Swingin' to the oldies (with the oldies) dancing to the Glenn Miller Orchestra at Three Little Bakers Dinner Theatre.

The band is made up of these young good looking musicians that I am sure the ladies love. You can imagine that back in the day in the 40's the Glenn Miller Orchestra toured the country and the musicians probably got a lot of chicks because of their musical charisma. Now fast forward to the present. It's 60 years later, the Glenn Miller Orchestra has renewed itself and has a new crop of musicians touring the country. Unfortunately the exact same ladies (now 80) that threw themselves at the band are still doing it, but I don't think anybody in the band is catching them. I hope none of these new guys joined the Glenn Miller Orchestra to get girls. They may have missed their chance by half a century.

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