Saturday, July 02, 2005

Chicago is my kind of town

Today our travels take us to Chicago, which is my kind of town.

Chicago has its great tall buildings and a vital downtown. On the way in we drove past the wrong stadium, wrong because I am a Cubs fan not the White Sox.

It used to be called Cominski park but now it has some corporate sponsorship that I won't bother to remember because the company will be bought or sold or merged or go out of business before I can commit it to memory.

Though I have yet to add it to my list of travelled destinations, another cool thing about this town is Navy Peir and they have a beach right on the lake in the middle of the city. The arial photo was taken from an excusive highrise in the north part of Chicago. Chicago has to supply its own tall biuldings for its vistas because it is so flat.

I will not get to State street that great street on this trip.

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